In early 2023, Overtis Sykes was living in a halfway house after having been released from incarceration after 16 years. At 55 years old, he wanted to learn skills that could lead to a career with the potential to provide enough income to retire someday. His resource officer at the halfway house connected him with Greater West Town Project (GWTP).
When he started at GWTP, he remembers, “I thought it was just a forklift job, but when I got into the program it was way, way more than that. I took math, English, warehouse management, shipping/receiving software, logistics, and much more.”
He was overwhelmed at first, but with the support of GWTP staff, he finished training and only needed to pass his final tests to earn his completion certificate. On the test, there were math questions he hadn’t learned before and became upset to the point where he thought about quitting. He communicated to a GWTP staff member, Linda Thomas, that he was struggling and thinking about quitting, and Ms. Thomas responded, “You didn’t learn this math problem, but I taught you everything you need to do it.” Overtis completed his finals and earned his certificate, and on his first job interview they required a math test, which he also passed and was offered the position. “Employers were very impressed with the scope of what I learned at GWTP,” said Overtis.
Overtis passed on the position because he was also offered a position at the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) where he could apply his skills in forklift and warehouse management. After nearly a year at CTA making $15/hour, he was just recently promoted and is now making $29.65/hour. Overtis wants to continue growing at CTA, and hopefully use his skills in logistics that he learned at GWTP to shift into that field.
Overtis has been paying it forward by helping out with job fairs at GWTP and going to his local Salvation Army to sign people up for job training at GWTP. “It’s been nice to have someone to lean on, someone you can count on,” Overtis remarked about GWTP, “GWTP has been like a family.” Congratulations on all of your success, Overtis!